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Namun pertama-tamanya penulis ingin mengucapkan 'Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha" kepada semua rakan2 dan pembaca blog penulis ini...Moga Eidul Adha tahun ini bersemi dengan cinta kepada-Nya...
Jadi mungkin pembaca sudah boleh meng agak apa yang akan penulis post kali ini...Sudah tentulah pasal Eidul Adha ( selalunya orang sebut raya haji...apa2la...janji semua
paham...)...Hendak atau tidak, nak atau xnak, orang mesti akan cakap pasal 'Pengorbanan' . Yelah, nama pun raya korban,mestila cerita pasal pengorbanan.Takkan nak tulis pasal cinta lak..hehe...Tapi betulkah tak boleh cakap pasal cinta masa raya haji ni???hehe...ni yang penulis ingin sampaikan...

Lumrahnya, mungkin semua pembaca sudah mengetahui kisah Abbul Anbiya, Ibrahim a.s dan anakanda beliau, Ismail a.s . Kisahnya tercatit dalam al-Quran dan diceritakan panjang lebar oleh pengarangnya, ALLAH ta'ala.
Jadi,its not all about sacrification, but more essential and need to be taken care of, which is the Ultimate Love to the Creator, ALLAH s.w.t..Jadi apa yang penulis ingin sampaikan pada blog kali ini berkisar tentang cinta Agung Ibrahim kepada Khaliq nya, Rabbul 'Alamin...
1) Pengorbanan tanpa cinta adalah kudung.dan kedua2 ini saling memerlukan; tiada cinta tanpa pengorbanan,tiada pengorbanan tiada cinta. Biasanya lah, waktu kita bercinta, mesti la kita nak berkorban untuk si die. Kan?sebab kita nak tunjukkan betapa cinta kita kepadanya. Yang tak disuruh pun buat. "Tak apelah,abang pergi beli kejap, bukan jauh pun," (walaupun tempat yang dituju tu jauh.Hu4..). Standard ar tu kan. Norma manusia, setiap benda yang ada mesti ditunjukkan. Sampai ada yang terbabas sampai melahirkan anak kerana ingin sangat 'menunjukkan' cinta kepada boyfriend nye..(naudzubillah).Manusia, biasalah tu..
"Maka ketika anaknya itu sampai (ke peringkat umur yang membolehkan dia) berusaha bersama-sama dengannya, Nabi Ibrahim berkata: Wahai anak kesayanganku! Sesungguhnya aku melihat dalam mimpiku bahawa aku akan menyembelihmu. Apakah pendapatmu? Anaknya menjawab: Wahai ayah, lakukanlah apa yang diperintahkan kepadamu. Insya ALLAH, ayah akan mendapati aku termasuk orang-orang yang sabar" (al-Quran)
2) Dalam konteks nabi ALLAH Ibrahim a.s, kisahnya lebih kurang serupa. Kisahnya, si Ibrahim a.s ini sudah lanjut usia, namun tidak memperoleh cahayamata untuk meneruskan misi berdakwah kepada masyarakat nya ketika itu. Lalu beliau berdoa kepada ALLAH swt agar diberikan anak. Lalu, ALLAH swt yang Maha Mendengar, menjawat rintihan khalil (kekasih) nya itu. Walaupun pada mulanya beliau tidak percaya apa yang akan berlaku, namun keyakinannya beliau terhadap ALLAH swt sungguh tinggi, hinggakan beliau dikurnia kan cahaya mata. Jadi yang menjadi persoalannya, dimanakah cinta nya kepada ALLAH swt?
Buktinya, walaupun Ibrahim baru sahaja menimang cahaya mata, ALLAH swt menguji beliau, nak lihat samada betulkah si Ibrahim ini cinta terhadap Yang Maha Esa ini. ALLAH swt menyuruh nya MENYEMBELIH anak yang di idam2 kan setelah sekian lama. Nah, disinilah detik2 paling genting untuk si Ibrahim as ini. Namun setelah dipujuk oleh anaknya, mereka berdua pun menjalankan misi yang ditugaskan kepada mereka. Dipendekkan cerita, tatkala Ibrahim as meletakkan pisau di leher Ismail as, ALLAH menggantikan korban si Ismail itu dengan seekor qibash...Maka, terciptalah Hari Raya EidAdha a.k.a Hari Raya Haji a.k.a Hari Raya Korban
Lihat lah betapa beliau cinta terhadap pencipta nya , cinta yang tiada tolok banding nya kepada Rabbul Jalil, sanggup melakukan sedemikian terhadap anaknya. Siapa sanggup menyembeli anak sendiri. Sedangkan nak sembelih ayam pun berat, ni kan anak sendiri.Lihat lah cinta agung si Ibrahim ini sehinggakan mendapat jolokan Khalilullah a.k.a Kekasih ALLAH, bahkan tarafnya lebih tinggi daripada Habibullah a.k.a (juga) Kekasih ALLAH..Maknanya, sungguh besar cinta nya kepada ALLAH..MasyaALLAH...
3) Dan jangan kita lupa juga, pengorbanan dan cinta Ismail as terhadap ALLAH swt. Kalau beliau tidak memujuk ayahnya, dan tetap bertegas tidak mahu disembelih, saya rasa tidak akan ada Hari Raya Korban. Hu4....manakan tidak, dia sanggup 'dibunuh' oleh bapanya sendiri.Sebabnya? Beliau yakin akan kurniaan ALLAH swt kepadanya; bukan di dunia, tetapi di Akhirat yang kekal abadi....
Dimanakan kita?? Saya pun tidak jamin dapat mencintai ALLAH separuh hati saya. Kita manusia,nak tak nak, kenalah juga cinta kepada si Tuhan ini, kalau tidak dimanakah kita selepas mati nanti. Syurga tujuan kita, namun neraka kah pengakhiran kita???? Naudzubillah....Fikir2 kan lah.." Fikir sejenak itu lebih berharga daripada solat sunat 1000 rakaat"
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! Dari Abu Musa r.a, katanya : Rasulullah saw bersabda :
Umpama orang yang mengingati Tuhannya dan orang yang tidak mengingatiTuhannya ibarat orang yang hidup dan orang yang mati
! “Sesungguhnya Allah memiliki sejumlah malaikat yang tugasnya hanya
berkeliling di jalan-jalan untuk mencari tempat-tempat bagi orang-orang yang berzikir. Dan
jika mereka melihat ada sekelompok orang yang berzikir, maka mereka memanggil kawankawanya
untuk mendatangai tempat itu. Maka Para malaikat turun ke langit dunia dengan
menaungi majlis zikir itu dengan sayap-sayap mereka. Sekembalinya, mereka ditanya oleh
Tuhan mereka padahal Dia Maha Mengetahui lebih dari meraka.
Tanya Allah :”Apa yang diucapkan oleh hamba-hambaKu Itu?”
Jawab para malaikat : ‘ Mereka sedang bertasbih,bertakbir, bertahmid dan bertamjid
Tanya Allah : “ Apakah mereka pernah melihatAku?”
Jawab para malaikat : “ Mereka belum pernah melihatMu.”
Tanya Allah : “ Bagaimanakah kalau mereka pernah melihatKu.?”
Jawab para malaikat : “Kalau mereka pernah melihatMu,pasti mereka akan bertambah
banyak memujiMu.”
Tanya Allah : “ Apa yang mereka minta?”
Jawab para malaikat : “Mereka meminta dimasukkan kedalam surgaMu.”
Tanya Allah : “Apakah mereka pernah melihat surgaKu?”
Jawab para malaikat : “Mereka belum pernah melihatnya.”
Tanya Allah : “ Bagaimana kalau mereka pernah melihatnya?”
Jawab para malaikat : “Jika mereka pernah melihatnya tentu mereka akan lebih banyak
Tanya Allah : “Dari apa mereka mohon perlindungan?”
Jawab para malaikat : “ Mereka mohon perlindungan dari siksa api neraka.”
Tanya Allah : “Apakah mereka pernah melihatnya?”
Jawab pada malaikat : “Mereka belum pernah melihatnya.”
Tanya Allah : “Bagaimana kalau mereka pernah melihatnya?”
Jawab para malaikat : “Jika mereka pernah melihatnya,pasti mereka akan lebih banyak
mohon perlindungan daripadanya.”
Kata Allah : “Ketahuilah dan saksikanlah bahwa Aku telah memberi ampunan kepada
Kata seorang dari para malaikat : “Di antara mereka ada seorang yang tidak ikut berzikir, ia
datang kerana ada suatu hajat.”
Kata Allah : “Orang-orang itu tidak akan membawa sengsara kepada kawan duduknya.”
(HR Tirmidzi, Ahmad, Al Baihaqi dan Ibnu Syahin) "
~~ALLAH knows the Best (^_^)~~~
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salam..this message i got from luqman. He send me through ym while i was chatting...
so who are admitting himself worshipped to the Only God, please take note on this..
some might have doubt to this news/message, but as for precaution step ( ihtayat), just chose another coffee shop. there still plenty of coffee shop out there...even muslim one...as far as im concern, the coffee shop or kopitiam (more frequently called) has grow like mushroom after rain..hehe...so, this is just information..take good, leave bad...amin..

"Starbucks HARAM, ISO 9002 JABATAN IMEGRESAN HALIMAH BINTI HAM Z AH PASUKAN PETUGAS PROGRAM MS ISO9002 JABATAN IMIGRESEN MALAYSIA Please note that all chocolate, vanilla and coffee drinks at Coffee Bean and Starbuck contains E471 (Emulsifier 471), mono di-glycefideswhich is from animal origin (pork). Raspberry Frap uses cherries that has been dip n alcohol & the tiramisu contains RUM. Please pass this message to our muslim friends. Call JAKIM 03 - 8886 4000 for more information. Thank you INI ADALAH TANGGUNGJAWAB KITA SEBAGAI SAUDARA SESAMA MUSLIM, SAMPAIKAN KEPADA RAKAN-RAKAN YANG LAIN... "
~~ALLAH know the best~~~
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hurm..we meet again in other post...wahaha...feel like book has not like me anymore..so instead of doing nonsense thing, better for me to write sumthing in my page...haha..in fact i got a marvelous experience to share with all of you....personally, when i got to know that im selected to go for a camp on weekend my heart said " cis..ade je nak kacau holiday aku..hu5"...but then the perception was 180 degrees rotated..haha..it not really a camp, which i originally think that it would be at a camp site, sleeping in the tent in all sorts of creepy,crawled insect...however i went to a program( rather than camp!) which organised by utp...it was held at Red Mount..(sounds freaky right..haha..) it just Bukit Merah...
anyway, after disastrous week of test, i had to go to future leaders( am I???) program at red mount...somewhere in perak......we have to gathered at bus office( is it the name??hehe) at 9..but then i only packed my clothes an hour before that...(like usual..hehe)...i did manage to put all the stuff in my bag...realising it is just 3 days program,so i d
id not bring much clothes..just nice for the period... what really sad is the bus did not move until 11.30 am!..haha..its all due to insufficient numbers of students who should go for the program.some of them even did not reply any answer to get along to the program or not...so we have to wait until few international student to follow our journey...

wajah2 ceria di red mount..hehe
so we arrived there approximately at 1.30..and miss our jumaat prayer..(considered musafir)..then after we had our very delightful lunch, we are divided to out respective room...each room has 3 members...me, jena and hadhri( civil students) get to one room...6436..haha..the lucky room number..as i first step into the room, i was quite stunned...haha...it was more than i expected...it was kinda hotel, but a budget one...but it still ok....with air conditioner, nice bathroom and cozzy bed....hehe...even the tv is running ok....after that we get to take bath, change cloth and pray jama' ly...hehe...

the comfy bed..hehe
soon, we have to go to the seminar room(kinda) for our activities..in fact, all 'lecture' is in that room...so that evening we got briefing for the program and at night, mr syazwan share his thought with us..it was splendid moment than...no stress...just a relax and empathic environment... then after it was ended, we get to our apartment and have some supper and went to our respective room...
the first day was O.K...hehe...
for the next day, wait for another post...
journey to red mount is not over yet..wait...hehe...
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hurm...the last day...of the nightmare week...thursday...
the morning starts with full of suspens..the math test starts as early as 8 am...
so of us still did not manage to open their eyes completely....but they have to go to multipurpose hall...ready??not quite actually...i just came into the hall with not pretty much confidence despite did not prepare much....hehe...
first i look at the question.."ok"...hurm..then pages by pages, sweat starting came down on my cheek...."cis..kuang ajar punya soalan..."...haha...after reading the question, it get more tougher and tougher.....as time passes, i focused on every questions....i dont know what i have done in that test, but what i know, it was the worst test for me this semester!!!...
then during the interval of the morning until the next test, nothing much happened...just preparing for the chemistry test at 6 pm( scheduled...hu5..)...
but then the test start at 6.30...theres another group of students who are taking the exam until 6.30...i dont know what was really happened...maybe utp's system had been ruined due to trimester planning...just maybe, not blaming others..hehe...
so the test start at half past six and it was going almost perfectly............the question is not the brawniest question...but i did a big mistake..taking a bet with very the brave action...but im not going to tell you the mistake...cause i was so embarrased...hahaha....then the test was over...and that was the last paper for the week......which full of test ....everyday is test..haha......
hope you enjoy with the all three parts of most exhaus'test' week of all time...
~~ALLAH knows the best...~~~
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then, at 10 am, the chemistry class is going as usual..what have been lectured that i morning, i have forgotten it..( what a lazy person)..hehe....after that, we just went back to our own room.continuing studying icis...hehe....but after zohor prayer, luqman came to my room and ask (in his kedah loghat..)
' jena, nak p ka dak ni???'...
jena replied ' tengok la bdak2 cmna...klu depa p, ak p ar...'( if im not mistaken..)..and then man told that akmal( ict student) is willing to go...because he did not have test...its ok...
then luqman came again at our room....and ask the same question...and jena said the same thing... but then the akmal refuse to go to the talk...so all of us became quite upset because nobody is going there...then surprisingly luqman offer himself to to there... but then ber, hakim, and amin came to our room...seem that their are going to the talk....so in the split second jena said ' klu ang pegi, ak pun ikut skali la...'..having heard that jena said that, i quickly change my clothes and get prepared to go there...( eventhough icis note is not 'khatam' yet..)hehe...
so mat tau and afifi get prepared as well and also get ready for the test....
without wasting minutes and second, we rushed to pocket d, realising we are fifteen minutes off the time...some of us jus jog quickly, so that we did not miss any important point...as we arrived there, we take lift and go to lecture room d3..as we enter the room, almost all seat have been took by others student.but then what makes us very hot is the talk is CANCELLED...waaa... wasting time la....better for me to stay at room...but luckily the day is quite gloomy and windy..somehow it took away our angry,..then we chose to stay at the cafe..waiting for 5 o'clock for the test..after that we went for asar prayer at undercroft, just near to the big irc a.k.a library...hehe...
soon, we went out of the praying room and want to go to the multipurpose hall...wat makes us worry is the rain is pouring like cat and dog...very2 the lebat..hehe....so, we got no other choice than running to the hall...luckily is only yard away from irc...seconds after i dashed to the hall, unluckily for muhaimin, he fell down, right in the midddle of the road caused by slippery road..luckily no car passes that road..his right hand injured quite heavily..until now he still feel the pain..luckily he is left handed person..
so at 5.10, we start off our icis test.bit unlucky for mechanical student as some of them need to go to other room cause the hall is not big enough for the whole group...but it was ok la..for me..hope the marks is also ok..hua3...
then the night, we got listening english test..not much to story about( because i am lazy to story in detail..hu5)...we started at 8.30 and went back at 9.30...luckily we can discuss.so bit easier lar for us...
so that was the day..wednesday..another horrible day of the bad week...hehe...
another post for the thursday one and the exciting trip to bukit merah...haha....k...
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"What a hectic week it was..."
Thats my expression of what had been happened in the last 5-6 days...it was exhausting, tired and frustration days for me personally. Actually what i am talking now is about i called "most exhause(test) Week "...hehe...indeed it was full of test with all subject is rushing out to finish the test as soon as possible.... all 5 subjects that i took, which is math, english,physics, chemistry and intro to computer having their test today.....let me tell you the journey..hehehe....
first of all... monday,2nd november...the day start as usual...i woke up in the morning and prepare for the first class of the day...engineering math's class. it was an ordinary class after all, same goes to tutor after that...realising the physics having lab test at noon, i was bit nervous then...with no icis class, i get prepare for the lab test..reading previous experiment that we've done,pages by pages... but i cannot concentrate...then i get to know that i in the second class of the experiment...which start at 12.55... i got to partner with naim, my kelantanese classmate... the experiment is well conducted by both of us..( it was an easy one..hehe..)...then we went to other room to answer the experiment's question..again, not much problem on that( maybe)..hu5...that was the first test of the week...indeed, it gave little problem to me...( i guess..hu5)...
the next day...tuesday,3rd november...math class again start typically...like other math class...then another test is waiting for us..icis ( intro to computer and information system) lab test...the night before that, we practice the exercise using microsoft excel and access..it not hard actually unless you did not understand the steps...so the test started at nine...we are given different sets of question in each group...but i got the same with jena...we are dealing the question easily..but i did not confirm that i get full mark...because one question did give me trouble...but i just take granted on it....
the next test, i have to post it in another day...i got things to do...going to camp!!..hu5..
sory guys...
to be continue....
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huhu, its 1:36 in the morning, and im still awake!!!...
eventhough icis test 2 is waiting for me at 5 pm...
have i study enough??..or just take for granted??
tawakkal is the last hope...
just having cheese naan with luqman n ber,
after amin and hakim went out to taman maju...
with cups of bean soy...
enough to make my eyes fresh and do not want to close...
sleep or not? sleep or not??sleep or not...??sleep or not...??
still a trivial question....
i need to rest but my tummy said " NO...after eat, NO sleep...
but dark condition around me make me want to sleep...
thank god...no lab at all 2morrow...class start at 10 am...
still got time for icis last revision...
sorry guys...pillow is waiting for me...i have to sleep with it...ah...my lovely...
should i compare thee to summers day...( look!...how important my pillow to me...hehe)
enough...!...nonsense....anyway, have a nice sleep guys..see you tomorrow....
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huh, basah kuyup aku...biasa lah tu, baru balik kelas dalam hujan, memang la basah kan...kalau tak,tak panggil hujan la...hehe...tapi yang penting hujan tu rahmat ALLAH...cubalah kita untuk tidak mengeluh pabila hujan turun, dimana saat hujan turun itulah doa mudah dimakbulkan..InsyaALLAH...
tapi post kali ini bukan nak cakap pasal hujan, t
api nak cerita sikit kisah...Yela, manusia kan...kadang2 lupa jugak...so kena la selalu diperingatkan...termasuklah diri penulis ini sendiri... jadi,apa2 yang kita dapat, kalau dikongsi, bagus jugak kan...lagi2 bab yang dapat memperbaiki diri(lebih kurang tazkirah la..)...so,back to the topic...me
h cini nak ceghita..(orang kedah paham la kot...hehe)
Kisah ini terjadi dekat tanah arab nuh...deka
t mekah.... ada la seorang ulama ini, dia ini seorang ulama yang terkenal..tok imam masjidil haram....memang bagus la orang ni..ramai la anak2 murid dia...so selalu la dia ini jadi imam kat masjidil haram tu... nak dijadikan cerita, ada satu hari ni, dia tak datang untuk mengimami solat fardhu...jadi anak2 murid dia n jemaah lain ni tengah tunggu bila la nak datang si tok guru ini. Dan dorang tertanya2 jugak, siapa lah nak jadi imam waktu tu....tunggu punya tunggu, adalah seorang hamba ALLAH ni...dengan berani nya, pergi kehadapan, lalu menjadi imam... hamba ALLAH ni dia berpakaian agak kurang kemas a.k.a kusut juga ar(maybe miskin or zuhud kot)...then dorang pun mulakan
solat....."ALLAHUAKBAR"...mula la solat dorang ni...

Then apabila usai salam, si imam ini terus meninggal
kan tempat imam dan keluar dari masjid... jadi anak2 murid tok guru pun tertanya2,siapa kah gerangan hamba ALLAH tu... tapi setelah itu, anak2 murid tok guru pun tersenyum sinis sesama sendiri...sebabnya, si hamba ALLAH tu kurang bagus bacaan tajwid nya tadi.... baca Al-Fatihah pun kureng... Jadi setelah beberapa ketika, anak2 murid tu berjumpa lah dengan tok guru dorang, bertanyakan tentang apa yang telah berlaku.... Jadi si tok guru ini ini berceritalah satu kisah kepada dorang (anak2 muridnya).....(cewah, cerita dalam cerita...hehe....)
Pada zaman dahulukala, ada seorang pengembala kambing di sebuah tempat(tak diberitahu nama tempat tersebut) jadi nak dijadikan kisah, apabila orang kampung memerlukan kambing, secepat mungkin si pengembala ini memberikan kambingnya kepada yang memerlukan tadi.
So yang peliknya, kambing nya tak pernah luak....maksud nya, jika dia mempunyai 10 ekor kambing, apabila diberikan kepada orang 5 ekor, tinggallah 5 ekor lagi...betul tak? tapi apabila dia check2 balik kambingnya, still ada 10 ekor....then,peristiwa ini berlarutan.... pastu, sekumpulan ulama' terdengar peristiwa yang terjadi ni, dan dorang agak hairan..."Mungkin dia ini seorang wali ALLAH...diberikan karomah (كرامه) agaknya..." ujar salah seorang ulama ditempat itu...lalu dorang decide untuk berjumpa dengan si pengembala kambing ini... untuk berimamkan si pengembala kambing ini...(yela, siapa tak nak solat de
ngan wali ALLAH...) ....
Pastu apabila solat telah tamat, si ulama2 ini pon ketawa kecil sesama dorang..sebabnya, bacaan si pengembala kambing ini tak berapa nak betul tajwidnya....baca surah pun kurang betul (sama macam kes yang mula tadi )... then satu malam ni, si ulama2 ni pon termimpi satu peristiwa... diberitahu kepada si ulama2 ini tentang kejadian yang berlaku ketika dorang solat bersama si pengembala kambing tadi....kata nya dalam mimpi itu " tahukah kamu bahawa solat yang kamu lakukan bersama pengembala kambing tadi itu sajalah yang diterima ALLAH...yang sebelum ini tidak diterima.." Setelah termimpi itu, ulama2 tersebut
terus menangis....kerana menyesal memperlekeh k
an si pengembala kambing itu tadi........tammat....hu5...

:. Moral of the story : Jangan lah sangka bahwa perbuatan zahir yang dilakukan orang itu saja yang betul disisi ALLAH...yang paling penting adalah hati kita...Sejauh mana kita "nampak" ALLAH tatkala kita solat... Mungkin bacaan si pengembala dan hamba ALLAH tadi agak kurang betul, tapi hati mereka sudah terpaut pada ALLAH....tapi janganlah pula kita memandang enteng bacaan solat ataupun perbuatan zahir kita... Dua2 nya harus datang seiring dan selari...hati kena yakin, zahir kena mantap...barulah senang dapat rahmat ALLAH...insyaALLAH...amin...
~~ALLAH know the Best~~~~